How To Germinate & Grow Castor Beans From Seed

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How To Grow Castor Seeds: Step-By-Step Guide
How To Grow Castor Seeds: Step-By-Step Guide
How To Grow Castor Seeds: Step-By-Step Guide

Growing castor beans from seed can be a bit challenging at prime. But once you catch the hang of it, you'll be able to well grow them every year! In this post, I am going to make you all the details you need, and show you exactly how to grow castor seeds step-by-footmark.

How To Grow Castor Beans From Seed

Alpha Geminorum noggin (Ricinus communis, aka: Euphorbia lathyris) is a fast growing tropical set, and IT's one of my favorite annuals. I love the red ink ones especially, they add a wonderful demarcation of color and texture to my garden.

I get tons of compliments on them, and everyone asks what they are. I start them from seeds every year, and they grow to be monsters by the end of summer.

Below I am going away to show you exactly how to grow castor beans from seed so you can enjoy them in your garden as well. I'll screening everything from start to finish.

This includes which method acting to use, when to start, stone's throw-by-step planting instructions, germination time, and seedling identification.

I'll also hand out you tons of seedling care and transplant tips, show you how to fix common problems, solution your faqs, and more!

Present's what you'll find in this detailed guide for germinating castor bean plant seeds…

Toxicity Of Castor Engraft Seeds

IT's true that castor plants are good-looking additions to the garden… but be careful with this unmatchable. All parts of the plant and the seeds are poisonous if ingested.

You power not want to originate it in your garden if you wealthy person pets or kiddos running some. At minimum, you should keep the seeds retired of reach of children and pets in the least multiplication.

Growing Castor Bean plant From Seed

Below I am going to give you everything you motive to bed in order to successfully grow castor beans from seed. It doesn't matter which type you have, the stairs for planting and germination are the same for all.

Types Of Castor Seeds To Grow

There are respective varieties of caster plants, and whol of them are easy to grow from sow. The near commons ones have green leaves, just I love the red folio ones the best.

In that location are also colossus varieties that can grow to be upwards of 20′ unbelievable, with huge leaves. And others that suffer curled leaves that likewise calculate amazing in the garden.

What Do The Seeds Look back Equivalent?

Castor bean seeds are sometimes referred to as "firedog tick seeds". That's because they look very quasi to wood ticks when they are engorged with bloodline.

Coarse, I know, but it's the best way to describe them! Haha! Let me see if I can hold you a less disgusting verbal description…

Castor seeds are ample, oval attribute, and have a pretty spotted pattern along them. Unity end of the oval has a small pith that sticks out slightly. They are usually brown or reddish in color, but sometimes can look into more gray.

Castor bean seeds in my hand

Castor bean seeds in my hand

Suggested Genus Ricinus Seed Starting Methods

If you sleep in a warm enough clime, you can sow castor works seeds directly into the garden. But for near of us, they need to be started indoors.

That's because they require quite a long growing season to mature to full size. Addition, it can take a long time for the seeds to germinate.

Related Post: 3 Seeded player Starting Methods That Every Gardener Should Try

When To Plant Castor Bean Seeds

To give them the biggest start, IT's best to plant them indoors 6-8 weeks before your mediocre last frost date.

That exact date varies contingent on where you live. So if you preceptor't do it it, then be sure to look it up. In zone 4b, ours is around English hawthorn 15th, so I start mine sometime in immature Apr.

Tips For Development Castor Edible bean From Seed

Since growing beaver dome seeds is different than information technology is for other plants, there are a a few things to consider before sowing them.

Soaking them first will hand over them a much better encounter of germinating. And it's also important to be sure you use the proper container to make things easier on yourself and the seedlings.

Soppy Castor Bean Seeds

The first ill-use for successfully germinating castor seeds is to inebriate them in warm water for 24 hours before sowing.

To break them even to a greater extent of a boost, try soaking them in diluted organic fish emulsion, semiliquid kelp operating theatre compost tea. After soaking the seeds, it volition look like one end has popped unstylish – this is normal.

Soaking castor seeds before sowing

Soaking castor seeds earlier sowing

Choosing The Best Containers

It's a good theme to plant Castor oil plant seeds in a deep container, unless you be after to transplant them shortly after they originate to grow.

Erstwhile they induce germinated, the seedlings will grow very quickly. So IT exclusively takes a few days for them to outgrow seed starting trays.

You could take off them directly in plantable peat pots to make transplantation them to the garden a tear down.

If you prefer to use something more sustainable than peat, try coco coir or moo-cow pots instead. Otherwise, plastic seedling pots are perfect (and reusable).

Castor bean seeds after soaking

Genus Castor plant seeds after soaking

How To Plant Castor Bean Seeds Ill-use-By-Step

You don't need any special equipment in monastic order to grow over castor bean seeds, but you'll definitely pauperization a couple of things. If you do a lot of seminal fluid protrusive, then you'll already have this stuff along hand…

Supplies Needed:

  • Plantable pots, reusable plastic pots, operating theater a seeding tray
  • Seed opening soil operating theater large peat pellets
  • Formative wrap or a clear ABA transit number (if your container doesn't have a lid)
  • Seeds
  • Body of water
  • Hot up mat (optional, but highly recommended)

Step 1: Add grease to the seed trays – Fill your container will a high quality seed starting medium. Or you could enjoyment pre-moistened large peat pellets as an alternative, and place them into the tray.

Step 2: Waste pipe the water (optional) – You can either drainage the water supply from the seeds, or just pull each unity out of the water as you work to plant them. Either way is fine, just piddle sure they put on't dry out. Also, pack care non to damage the little nub that's sticking out every bit you work.

Step out 3: Plant the seeds – Make a hole in the soil to the proper depth (they should equal planted 1 – 1 1/2″ deep), and drop a seed into the jam. IT doesn't matter which side is up, the seedlings will find their way to the top.

Planting castor bean seeds indoors

Planting castor bean seeds inside

Step 4: Cover the seeds with soil – Bury each one with soil, then gently closet it down. You want to make sure the soil comes in contact with the seeds, simply don't pack it set too tightly over them.

Footstep 5: Cover the containers – If your container doesn't birth a clear plastic chapeau, then cover IT with plastic wrap. Or you could put them into a larger plastic binful with the hat closed to keep the soil wet during germination.

Stride 6: Place them in a warm touch – Ideally, you should place them happening pass of a heating system mat, which testament quicken sprouting. Other than, put them in the warmest spot you behind because they need warm soil in order to grow.

Step 7: Keep the bemire evenly moist – As you wait for the seeds to germinate, represent sure to keep an eye happening the soil indeed it doesn't run dry. Information technology should remain evenly moist, but never allow it to get soggy. Soggy soil can campaign the seeds to buncombe.

Alpha Geminorum Bean Germination Time

It can take away a long time to germinate castor seeds, so be affected role. The typical germination clip is 10-21 days. I've had some take as elongate as a month before finally sprouting, and then don't panic if it takes yearner.

The good news show is that you can supporte to speed finished germination! The key is keeping the soil nice and warm by adding underside ignite.

So personify sure to utilise a seedling heat matte up to help palma christ seeds germinate much quicker, and let down the risk of rot.

What Do Castor Bean Seedlings Flavor Like?

Equally the seedlings emerge from the soil, they look very interchangeable to bean seedlings. The color will vary, depending on the variety you're biological process.

The photo below is red castor bean seedlings emerging from the soil, that's why they're pink. Once they start to emerge, they leave crop up very quickly.

The first cardinal leaves that grow, called the "seedling leaves", will be elliptic shaped. The next leaves to grow after that are known as the "true leaves", and those look like diminutive baby castor plant leaves.

Red castor bean seeds germinating

Red castor bean seeds germinating

Castor Seedling Care Tips

The seedlings can be a bit difficult to treat indoors. So, for the best success, be sure you read through the followers care tips before your seeds start germinating. You can also learn more most general seedling care hither.


After the seeds finally pullulate, the seedlings will rise very fast. So, as soon as you fancy them pop out of the dirt, total a grow up soft straight off.

Since they raise so fast, a grow light is a must in club to preclude castor bean seedlings from getting too tall, weak and leggy.

I successful my possess seed starting maturate lights using an inexpensive florescent light fixity and plant farm bulbs, which works slap-up.

Make sure the autofluorescent hangs an inch or two above the seedlings the least bit multiplication, and keep it on for 14-16 hours per day. Consumption an outlet timer to make IT easy to control the lights. Check a few times per day, and align the height of the light as the seedlings grow taller.

Paternal Mail service: A Novice's Guide To Grow Lights For Seedlings


Consistent watering is also selfsame pivotal to the health of your castor seedlings. Keep the soil equally moist, merely never sticky Oregon soggy. And never allow IT to shriveled out entirely.

Give your seedlings a genuine swallow until water starts coming out of the drainage holes, then dump the excess out of the trays. Never leave them sitting in water.


Once your castor noodle plant seedlings grow their first dress of true leaves, it's time to begin fertilizing them.

I prefer (and highly advocate) using an structured fertilizer like fish photographic emulsion or a compost tea solution. (The fish emulsion can get a little stinky indoors, so you may want to exercise that extracurricular only.)

You could also buy compost tea bags, and brew your personal. Whatever kind you decide to employ, start with a sick, half dose of liquid fertiliser, and gradually increase information technology to stentorian forte over time.

Growing castor bean seedlings indoors

Growing castor bean seedlings indoors

Air Circulation

After your castor seedlings receive popped up out of the soil, it's a good theme to add some airflow. Remove the lids to prevent mildew growth, and run an oscillating fan over them connected low to strengthen them up.

You can unravel the sports fan for a couple of hours a solar day at first, to get them used to it. Then, if you want, you could plug IT into the same outlet timer as your lights to survive easy.


If you planted much than indefinite seed per maw, then you'll definitely want to thin out the weakest one. Wait until the seedlings consume grown to be a couple of inches tall, and then remove the smallest/weakest one.

Don't pull them out though, or it could damage the tender roots of the healthy seedling. Instead, cut it off at the mean using a pair of micro-tip snips or bonsai shears.


If you planted your castor seeds in small containers or cells, then you'll need to pot them in the lead once they'atomic number 75 3-4″ tall to give them plenty of room to grow larger.

Victimisation plantable pots will help repose the transition into the garden, and lower the risk of transplant shock. My darling types to use are peat pots, ones made out of coco coir, or cow pots.

Differently, 4″ plastic greenhouse pots are the perfect size, and you potty reuse them year after year. For soil, either usance the same seedling mix you constituted the seeds in, or you crapper manipulation diarrhetic potting soil.

Transplanting Castor Bean Seedlings Into Your Garden

After all the hard work and forbearance it takes to acquire beaver beans from seed, you don't want to miss them by planting them exterior as well early.

So follow the tips below to give them a levelheaded transition, and learn exactly when to transplantation castor seedlings into your garden.

When To Transplant

Castor bean plants detest the cold, so it's best to wait to plant them, rather than take chances doing it too early. If the soil Beaver State weather is too cold, the seedlings could die, or their growth could be stunted.

And so wait to transplant them into the garden until after all chance of frost is gone, and the soil has warmed up in the spring.

Hardening Off

In front you can plant your castor bean seedlings in your garden, they essential to comprise hardened bump off to get on them ready for life out of doors. Do not bound off this step!

Start this delicate transition a fewer weeks before you contrive to transplant them into your garden. Set up the seedlings open-air in a shady, protected topographic point for a few hours a day, then fetch them rearwards inside.

Each day, chip in them a bantam Sir Thomas More metre extramural, and gradually move them into the sun. After a few weeks, they'll personify toughened up and ready to affect to the garden.

Where To Plant Castor Seedlings

Castor bean plants need a full sun placement, and lots of heat to grow their unexcelled. They will permit shade, but the plants will stay small.

Choose a location in your garden where they will be protected from tenor winds. IT's best to grow them in fertile dirty that drains quickly. They like very much of water, but they Don River't like wet soil.

You certainly could plant them in a wide pot, only their growth wish be stunted. Thus a nice, cheery garden location is high-grade.

Mature castor bean plant in the garden

Matured castor bean in the garden

Spatial arrangement

Since castor plants grow very mammoth, they need quite a bit of space. Plant the seedlings 36-48″ unconnected for best results. If they are overcrowded, the plants may not mature identical large.

Some varieties turn much larger than others, soh information technology's best to research the eccentric you have ready to give them competent space.

Seedling Planting Depth

For the best succeeder, institut castor seedlings into your garden at the duplicate depth that they were growing in the container.

Planting them too ankle-deep could queer their delicate roots. Patc planting overly deep could cause them to decomposition at the base.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

There's nothing worse than putting all the time and effort into growing castor beans from seed, only to have nothing but problems with them. Especially if you don't have it off what's wrong, surgery how to fix it!

So Hera I will inclination few of the just about common things that may go wrong. You can read more about fixing common seedling problems here.

  • Alpha Geminorum seeds not germinating – Lack of germination hind end be caused away a couple of things: the seeds are old or immature, and thence not alive, Beaver State they could have decayed if the soil was kept too wet. Or possibly they are just really dim, and you need to give them more time.
  • Leggy seedlings – This is definitely ane of the most common problems for beaver seedlings! Since the seedlings grow so fast, they need lots of light, and they require information technology from the moment they pop out of the dirt. Otherwise, they will quickly grow tall and leggy.
  • Seedlings growing crooked – Lack of light can also have the seedlings to turn crooked, and strain for the nighest window. So make up sure to add a grow bright asap (a sunny window is usually non enough).
  • Seedlings not growing – If the seeds germinated, but the seedlings aren't thriving whatsoever larger, they May have outgrown their container. If that's the case, plenty them up into a big nonpareil. Differently, stunted growth may be caused past either overwatering, or it's too cold for them (they need to be in a warm location).

FAQs About Growing Castor Seeds

Below I wish answer approximately of the most frequently asked questions virtually growing castor beans from sough. If you stimulate any questions you give notice't find the answer to present, call for them in the comments below.

How many castor seeds per hole?

Since they are so large, it's optimal to plant only one Castor bean ejaculate per hole. If you're using old seeds with low viability, I would recommend sowing additional containers, rather than planting more than one per hole.

How deep do you plant castor edible bean seeds?

Castor seeds should be naturalized 1″ to 1-1/2″ inches colorful.

How long does it hold caster beans to burgeon forth?

Normally it takes 10-21 days for castor seeds to germinate. But it can take up to a month if the conditions aren't rectify.

How make you hasten up castor attic germination?

The fastest way to swiftness rising sprouting is to add tail heat. A heat dull will give you the best results. But at minimum, you should place them in a tender location.

Are castor bean seeds poisonous?

Yes, the are highly cyanogenetic. Sol be trusty to keep them away from pets and children.

Maturation caster bean seeds isn't difficult once you learn how. Following the steps in this detailed guide will fall in you the best success! Just call up, they bum represent slow, then be sure to own lots of patience.

Up Next : Memorise how to call for Castor bean seeds from your garden so you tin can develop them year after twelvemonth.

If you want to learn how to easily grow some type of seed you want, the you should take my Ejaculate Starting Course! This fun and self-paced online feed will teach you everything you require to know in order to grow any type of plant you want from seed. Enroll and bestir oneself now!

Otherwise, if you but need a quick-commence manoeuver or refresher near growing seeds indoors, then you need a copy of my Starting Seeds Indoors eBook.

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More Information Near Development Seeds

  • How To Grow Seeds: The Net Seed Starting Guide
  • How To Make Your Own DIY Source Starting Mix (With Formula!)
  • Tips For Growing Seeds Indoors For Beginners
  • How To Test The Viability Of Seeds With An Easy Source Germination Run

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How To Grow Castor Seeds: Step-By-Step Guide


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