Install Zen Cart on IIS

by Eric Woersching


Zen Cart is a PHP-based, open-source online store management organization. It uses a MySQL database and HTML components. Back up is provided for several languages and currencies, and it is freely available under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

For more information almost Zen Cart, visit the Zen Cart Web site.

This commodity describes how to install and configure Zen Cart for use with the FastCGI extension on Internet Data Services vii (IIS 7) and above, and on Windows Server® 2008. The instructions assume that you have set and configured the FastCGI extension and the PHP libraries. The instructions have been tested and found to work with the following software versions:

  • PHP 5.2.9
  • MySQL five.1.34
  • Zen Cart 1.iii.viii

Download and Unpack the Application

Starting time, download the latest stable release of Zen Cart. For this article, zen-cart-v1.three.8 was used (future versions are probable to be like to install). Uncompress and copy all the files and folders to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\zencart (or some other directory of your choosing).

Fix Up the Database

Before starting the installation procedure for Zen Cart, you must create a database on your server. Also create a user and grant this user "db ownership" permission to the database. This commodity uses the following database information:

  • Database proper name: zencart
  • Database user: zencart
  • Account password: zencart

Set Up and Configure the Application

Update the Php.ini file to add the Php_mysql.dll module nether the Dynamic Extensions section in the file, and ensure that the extension directory points to the right location:

              extension_dir = "./ext" extension=php_mysql.dll                          

Note that this article uses the "/zencart" binder as an example, but this is not required. You may utilise another binder, or yous tin install Zen Cart in the "root" directory (the base of your Web site).

Create the Configure.php Files

Yous must create files to identify the settings of your particular server and the location of the Zen Cart files you loaded, and and so change the permissions on these files.

  1. On the server, locate the file /zencart/includes/dist-configure.php.
  2. Rename this file to configure.php.
  3. On the server, locate the file /zencart/admin/includes/dist-configure.php.
  4. Rename this file to configure.php.
  5. Change the permissions for these two files to read, execute, and write by opening a command prompt.
  6. Browse to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\zencart directory.
  7. Blazon icacls includes\configure.php /grant BUILTIN\IIS_IUSRS:West
  8. Blazon icacls admin\includes\configure.php /grant BUILTIN\IIS_IUSRS:W
  9. Type icacls cache /grant BUILTIN\IIS_IUSRS:W

Run the Installer

The installer automatically supplies data during installation, but y'all must ostend that the auto-detected answers are correct (they may differ on some servers):

  1. Confirm the concrete path to your Zen Cart directory (for case, C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\zencart).

  2. Go to the http://localhost/zc_install/zencart/install.php folio for detailed setup instructions.

  3. On the Welcome screen, click Continue.

  4. At the license folio, read and confirm acceptance of the GPL licensing agreement.

  5. The installer examines your server for compliance with the technical requirements for running Zen Cart. Anything marked in red or with an "X" must be addressed before the installer can keep. Items marked with an orange or xanthous caution symbol are simply warnings that may or may not apply to your setup at this betoken.

  6. If you lot make changes to your server, click Re-Check (or press F5 in your browser) to refresh the display and reverberate the changes fabricated earlier proceeding.

  7. When the organisation inspection is satisfactory (all dark-green check marks), click Install at the bottom of the screen.

    Screenshot of System inspection results. Green check marks appear on the left hand side of the list.

    Figure i: System inspection results

  8. Provide database information near your MySQL database, user name, and countersign. If you do not have a MySQL database setup with a user proper name and password, you must create 1.

    Screenshot of the My S Q L database. The Database setup information is displayed.

    Figure ii: Database setup

  9. Next, you are prompted for phpBB path information. If you take the phpBB forum software already installed on your site, enable information technology for connectivity and synchronization from Zen Cart by specifying the path where the phpBB files are located. (For example, if the files are located in ...public_html/forums, enter /forums in the Zen Cart installer for the path to the phpBB files.)
    If y'all do not have the phpBB forum software already installed on your site, select No.

  10. Complete the Store data about your e-commerce shop. Except for demonstration data, all of the information can also be (re)configured later in the administrator area of your shop.

  11. To install the demonstration data, select Yep, and then click Salvage Store Settings.

  12. Complete the administrator information to set your login name, admin due east-mail accost, and password. Annotation that both the login proper name and password are case sensitive.

  13. Save the administrator settings to consummate installation. Providing there were no errors during installation, you tin now enter the Admin or the Catalog.

After Installation

When you enter the Catalog, you receive security warnings about the Configure.php files and the /zc_install directory.

Configure.php files

Change the permissions on the Configure.php files to read and execute:

              /zencart/includes/configure.php  /zencart/admin/includes/configure.php                          

Note that "zencart" is used as an example in this commodity; your site may or may not include "zencart" as a folder proper name.

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Browse to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\zencart.
  3. Type icacls includes\configure.php /reset
  4. Type icacls admin\includes\configure.php /reset
  5. Download a re-create of these files to your reckoner from the server; they have been prepare and configured to your server specifications based on the installation procedure. Most errors or problems can exist corrected with minor adjustments to these 2 files.

zc_install directory

Delete the /zencart/zc_install directory. If you are just testing and program to install once more, rename the folder (for instance, /itemize/zc_install_complete) until y'all take your site alive.

Note that it is meliorate to utilise a name other than zc_install_complete; some hackers may try to utilise it if they have read this aid file.

For security reasons, exercise non leave a zc_install folder on the server of a live site.


This commodity updates " Zen Cart on IIS" by Eric Woersching, published on March 19, 2008.

  • Setting up FastCGI for PHP.
  • Using FastCGI to Host PHP Applications on IIS 7.0 and Above.
  • Installing PHP on Windows Vista with FastCGI.
  • Installing FastCGI Support On Server Core.
  • FastCGI forum.
  • For more information about running PHP applications on IIS, see the PHP community forum.